This past week has been great. We got a baptismal date from one of our investigators and it was so scary at first becasuse his less active wife freaked when we asked him to be baptised. It was kinda funny but I was like "OH NO". He was still cool with it and we are going to baptise him on the 17th of December. His wife said, "No, he isn't ready for baptism. He still likes to have a drink now and then with buddies and have a tea occassionally".
It didn't even seem to fase him though. He said "Oh that isn't really much to give up. I can just go for Fizzy drinks instead" He is so solid and I am excited to baptise him next month.
Our single mother , Anna, Investigator finally got some fellowship this last week. We had some members(the preedy's) offer to have her over for a BBQ and we were super excited. Sister Preedy and Anna got on super well and I am so glad that now she has some friends in the ward because she will be more motivated to come to church. We were going to get her to come yesterday but she ended up being really sick and couldn't and we got a call from her this morning telling us that she had miscarried her child so we went over this morning and told her about how children who die will go straight to the celestiel kingdom and she will get to see them again if she gets baptised. We are so excited for when that happens and hopefully we are going to get her to commit to a date sometime this week.
last P-Day was pretty fun. We went to the Perth Zoo. It was HEAPS better than the hogle zoo but I still had a taste of dissappointment in it. We all had lots of fun there though. We took the train to Perth. It was a long train ride but it was still pretty fun.
The work is increasing and I am so excited to get some more baptisms soon. Our goal is to get 6 baptisms next transfer! I really hope that we can do it and I think that it will probably happen!!
Love you all!
Elder Joshua Butts
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